Triumph! Rule Review

Triumph! is a ancients Ruleset designed to recreate any ancient battle on the table top.  It is also a popular Tournament game.  Let's see how it stacks up!

My Reviews are going to be graded like classes in College; A,B,C,D,E.  At the end we will get a GPA which will determine if this game makes distinguished honor roll, honor roll, passes or fails.  A good game should at least pass with a C average. 

The categories I will be grading are 1) Presentation/Product/Package, 2) Game Rules/Mechanics, 3) Historical/fantasy Cannon Accuracy, 4) Cost/time, 5) Good Time and Memories

1) Product:  Triumph! is a ruleset produced by Washington Grand Company.  It is not the prettiest rulebook ever made but it works.  There are supplements and the website provides supplemental material but if you wish to recreate historical scenarios the work is on your part.


2) Game Rules.  These are simple rules and easy to learn.  It is a single D6 dice game with simple modifiers to simulate combat.  There are some unit characteristics in the rules that allow historical units to behave  like they should.  Greek Phalanx's are aggressive, rabble units are slow and dysfunctional etc.  These rules work and heroes can do some things but not win the battle in single handed combat.


3) Historical Accuracy.  The Game does feel like an ancient game.  If you don't keep your army in line bad things can and will happen to you.  Getting overlapped and flanked is a bad thing in Triumph!    However, if you like details this will feel like a competition game too.  I still like it!


4) Cost/time.  The number of bases needed for Triumph! is not that many. We played the battle of Issus with about 40 stands per side because 1 stand equals 1 unit.  That means the cost is all based on you the player.  as for the time it takes to play the game.  It is a very easy game to play in less than 3 hours and we played 15-20 turns in 3 hours.  It is a fast paced turn system.


5) Good Times.  When you can almost kill Alexander the Great multiple times in one battle.  You will never forget it!  Absolutely yes.


And the score is 3.34.  
A great game try it out.


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