Black Powder "Christmas Showdown"
This is not an Historical Civil War Battle but it is an epic struggle of brother vs. brother. My Nephew Judah vs. my Nephew Elias. I always love setting up a small war-game when they come over to spend some time at the house. Judah is playing the Rebels while Elias is playing the Union Liberating army. The table is just a generic farm they are fighting over. Each side is equal with 4 units each. I was the Game Master for this game to keep it fun fair and tell the story of the table.
Elias as the Union rushes quickly to take the farm to defend it from the Rebel Scum.
Elias sends one Unit to his left to hold the open fields. One unit is in the center to hold the wheat field while he has two units in the woods on the right. His units on the right are not exactly following orders and flounder in the woods. Meanwhile Judah Choses to sen 2 Units on his right to drive the union from the Open Field. and his 2 Units in the center to drive Elias from the wheat field. Judah chooses to ignore the units on his left in the woods.
As the game comes to a conclusion. Judah drives the center and begins to take possession of the farm. Though Elias' left flank is holding it is clear that it won't hold out forever. Elias' 2 Units on the Right are lost in the woods and have no impact on the battle. Allowing Judah to win an easy Rebel Victory.
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