Fire at Sea "Battle of Denmark Straits"


So Resurrection Weekend 2023, we took Fire at Sea out to the masses during a community Egg Hunt.  We wanted to play a table top game with the kids of the community.  Fire at Sea works beautifully for this because we were able to play at least 10 10-15 minute games during the whole process.  I played the German Ships, Bismarck and Eugen.  The Kids who came to play played as the Hood and Prince of Wales.  

What was funny about this rule set is the Kids sunk the Bismarck almost every time.  Without a spectacular explosion on the Hood, the 2 top of the line Battleships in the British Navy could go blow for blow with the Bismarck and sink it 8 out of the 10 times.  No matter what it was great fun!  Never roll dice against Kids,  you will always loose!!!


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