Live Free or Die Rule Review
"Live Free or Die" is a rule set for the American War of Independence by Little Wars TV. This is the 3rd game that we played at Living Hope Alliance Church. I will say that everyone gets excited when we break out this rule set and play it again.
My Reviews are going to be graded like classes in College; A,B,C,D,E. At the end we will get a GPA which will determine if this game makes distinguished honor roll, honor roll, passes or fails. A good game should at least pass with a C average.
The categories I will be grading are 1) Presentation/Product/Package, 2) Game Rules/Mechanics, 3) Historical/fantasy Cannon Accuracy, 4) Cost/time, 5) Good Time and Memories
1) Presentation/Product/Package. Live Free or Die is 4 page rule set that is wonderfully written. The QRS is the best QRS I have ever used. LWTV knows how to make a QRS. There is a great Scenario supplemental book for purchase as well along with a free scenario on their website. The scenarios practically cover most of the major battles of the war. There are no miniatures, markers or other products aligned with the game for sale.
If I was just grading the rule set itself and not a package grade. It would receive an A but because this includes all the stuff that comes with the game to support it I will make it an A- because what LWTV gives you is amazing for what it is.
2) Game Rules/Mechanics. These are among my favorite mechanics. It is not you go/I go like black powder. It is simultaneous movement and firing. The choices you have to make also greatly affect how the turn goes. Plus, the resource management in Altar of Freedom was fixed for Live free or Die. It is perfected here. (No Turn Clock yeah!). My favorite mechanic is the moral of the mass retreat. If one unit breaks it could lead to an entire division breaking. It looks spectacular on the table and it is a moment you will celebrate or morn depending on which side of the dice you are on.
3) Historical Accuracy. Again LWTV makes a game with a small rule set feel like I am fighting a battle in the AWI. You also feel like your leaders of the battlefield matter in those heroic moments you read about. But as I pointed out in my AAR, some of the scenarios have exploitable flaws. Which is a little knock but not bad.
4) Cost/time. Generally this game can be played in an evening 2 or 3 hours. Which for me is a perfect length game. For setup time and respectful of family time it is well balanced here! Cost though... All the bases and bases and bases. For a small scenario like Princeton, it will be less than $100 from Old Glory maybe $60 from Pendraken but Brandywine. Better have the cash ready! It will cost you!
5) Good times and Memories. Let us say, the times are so good with this game we always look forward to the next one
GPA is a 3.54.
Live Free or Die makes the HONOR ROLL. Great Game and it is the first Game to make the Honor Roll that I reviewed. It is worthy of this distinction. Pick up your copy today.
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