Painting some of the most famous or infamous Battleships

 Early in our game playing at Living Hope Alliance we played Fire at Sea by Mark's Game Room.  Even in our review I was happy that the game was FREE.  But that meant I had no model ships.  By 2023 that changed.  As a church group we wanted to take the gaming experience out of our fellowship hall into the community so others could play.  We agreed Fire at Sea was the best easiest Ruleset to do that for but I needed actual model ships.  I could have gone cheap but I like Warlord game products so I bought their "Victory at Sea" models to paint them up.  

So naturally I bought the Bismarck and the HMS Hood first.  These models were so much fun to paint.  I think I found a new type of war-game model to paint.  I love WW2 naval models.  They are easy to paint and I can paint a lot of them quickly.  

You will notice on the Bismarck I did not paint a swastika.  In my opinion, I will not paint or use symbols of hatred on my minis.  I know that is not historical but I made my  choice.  My family does have Jewish heritage so that is a personal reason not to include it but others may be hurt by seeing those images.  Not to mention the fact I do not want the church to be associated with that evil.  

Just some notes from me on painting the ships.


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