Live Free or Die "Princeton" and "Harlem Heights"

 After our family had settled back into life with our new son.  I returned to the gaming table in May of 2022.  I had some new "Live Free or Die" Miniatures to use and I was Dying to use them.  So we played some of the smaller scenarios of Princeton and Harlem Heights.  Almost every time I played I was always the British playing solo against multiple American Players.  

When we played Princeton, as the British instead of attacking the weaker American forces I took a defensive position and baited the Americans to come to me.  My brother and I discovered a flaw in the scenario design that 1/3 of the American reinforcements arrive too late if the British play defensive.  The American Reinforcements only matter if the British attack.  So taking advantage of this, I defeated the American advance in detail and used a well timed cavalry charge to break apart the militia.  I broke one militia unit and the whole flank broke.  Easy British Victory.  Even Washington was wounded.

Now we played Princeton many times after that.  The next Battle we played was Harlem Heights.  If you are a keen observer.  You will see that we gave up on the block paper and have a moss green sheet to use on the table.  We also use puzzle foam pads underneath it so we can pin our trees into the table.  I also have my first building and fence from Old Glory Miniatures. Construction paper roads though.  (We still use construction paper for roads).

Now Harlem Heights was a great battle, Again I was solo as the British.  Even though I was outnumbered, I used the terrain and my superior unit quality to pin the Americans in a narrow part of the board.  The Americans were stacked up along the road and I never had to deal with them as a whole.  I just fired disciplined volley after another into their ranks piling up the casualties.  Another British Victory for me.


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