2024 Project Goals

 Writing this online blog is one way for me to track and journal my adventures on the table top.  2023 for me was about Epic Scale Waterloo.  Even though I did not post the battle report yet (Still catching up on the old stuff), the Snappy Nappy Waterloo scenario I ran was beautiful and made all 8 months of painting worth it.  It was a huge project.  During that time I painted some victory at sea ships, Dead Man's Hand Western Figures, and 28mm Bolt Action figures.  All very cool and amazing.  Again, not caught up yet.  But what are my plans for 2024...

I do not have a Grand goal for 2024 like Waterloo but I do have some medium size projects.  

1). I am rebasing and repainting my Civil War collection.  The American Civil War is my favorite period of history and of course its the period I started first playing.  The problem is that my first armies look Terrible!!!! So I started rebasing and repainting them all in November and that work will continue through March or April.  I am taking my Epic Scale models and braking them down into smaller bases to use for Fire and Fury and other games.  I am also getting some commanders from the epic scale and looking to increase the unit collection size to try larger scenarios.  It is a low cost medium size project.

2) Epic Scale Pike and Shotte.  I got 2 free sprues from Warlord Games this past year and well, I loved them and I got hooked.  So I am painting a English Civil War Royalist Army.  Small Project but a good one.

3) Dead Mans Hand.  For Christmas I am getting a few gangs for DMH.  I want to paint them up really nice and find some great Western terrain to build really fun looking tables and maybe buy What A Cowboy and try that game out too.

4) Saga.  I have a 6 pt. Viking Army coming for Christmas.  I am so excited.  It is my first Dark age Project and I can't wait to see how they turn out.  Keep you posted.

So these are my goals for next year.  3 small project goals and 1 medium.  I will keep posting as I paint them up.  And the new rulesets to review will keep coming.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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