Black Powder "Rolica"
By this time, I finally had enough of Epic Miniatures painted to play the Black Powder Scenario of Rolica found in the Black Powder Supplement Albion Triumphant Volume 1. Many of us know this was a great British Victory in Wellington's Career so our club decided to see if The French could defy history and drive the British Back into the sea.
Spencer, Kenny and Aidan Played the British while James and I played the outnumber French. James and I stuck to a defensive strategy using our guns to fire at distance and pray for bad luck on the British part. Aidan, Kenny and Spencer wanted to attack all wings at the same time to overwhelm us. Spencer was the British Right, Aidan the center and Kenny the Left.
James and I proved very lucky because Spencer failed order roll after order roll. Kenny's Flank blundered into disaster and Aidan attacked us alone. We destroyed poor Aidan with our defensive fire and broke his center while both Kenny and Spencer failed to get their orders going on the wings.
Quickly Aidan's attack crumbled before us and a quick cavalry charge by the French would break him. It was on the last turn of the game that Spencer Finally moved but it was too late. Vive La France!!!! We held and won.
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