Harry Potter Miniature Adventure Game Rules Review

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game is a game by Knight Models meant to recreate the magical world of Harry Potter on the Table top.  My Wife is a huge Harry Potter fan.  So this was an anniversary gift for the 2 of us to play.  Will it live up to her expectations.

My Reviews are going to be graded like classes in College; A,B,C,D,E.  At the end we will get a GPA which will determine if this game makes distinguished honor roll, honor roll, passes or fails.  A good game should at least pass with a C average. 

The categories I will be grading are 1) Presentation/Product/Package, 2) Game Rules/Mechanics, 3) Historical/fantasy Cannon Accuracy, 4) Cost/time, 5) Good Time and Memories

1) Presentation/Product/Package.  It is very rare that I give a bad review but Knight Models miniatures for Harry Potter are GARBAGE.  I do no like them, they do not glue together well.  They fall apart all the time.  and there are so many, I mean so many, makers for the game.  The stat cards for each character is the only saving grace for Harry Potter.  For the first time ever.  Grade a 


2) Game Rules/Mechanics. Harry Potter is a grid movement and combat game.  Moves are powered by a mana pool that you accumulate each turn.  It tries to be a Harry Potter D&D game but the mechanics are a little clunky and up for interpretation.


3). Fantasy Cannon Accuracy.  Well... My Wife is a big Harry Potter fan and I will say this by quoting her.  "Hermione as a first year did not have croshanks.  She did not get her cat till her third year..."


4). Cost/Time.  This is an expensive game to purchase but the flip side.  It does not take long to set up and play lasts about 60 minutes which is really great for an evening game.  


5) Good Times.  I might have ragged on this game but I will say.  We have played this game a handful of times and we do look forward to the next one.  There was one game that was decided on the last move of the last turn.  You can't get better than that.  The best part of this game is you will leave the table feeling good


GPA is 2.08.  Ouch.  This is not good at all.  You may want to avoid Harry Potter for now.  


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