Live Free or Die "Brandywine"

 We played the Brandywine scenario that Little Wars TV published in their scenario book.  We know historically that the British beat the Americans soundly in one of the largest battles of the war.  Spencer and Kenny played the American Forces.  James and Aidan played the British.  And unlike the historical battle.  Spencer and Kenny decided to be aggressive.  

Kenny, the American Right, moves forward to fire at Aidan's Advancing Redcoats.

Spencer moves on the American Left to try to pin James against the back of the table.  Which he does quickly.  By a chance of the dice.  A mass rout occurs on the British Right and James looses 2 units that run off the table before they even fired a shot.  Early in turn 3.  The odds have seemed to balance themselves out.

But Spencer's luck begins to run out.  The British under James rally and begin to surround and destroy the Rebel Left.  Aidan' redcoats on the Rebel Right begin to rout Kenny's units.  When the game comes to an end.  It is a tactical draw.  The Casualties were high for both sides.  The British actually suffered more than the Americans But the British held the ground.  But at what price!!!!


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