Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game "Battle for the Bridge"
For the First time on this blog, I have a fantasy Battle report. During the summer of 2023 we tested Games Workshop Middle Earth Miniatures game. And did we have fun. We had 2 small forces. Men at Arms from Minas Tirith and orcs from Mordor. The Orcs had no Heroes to play but the Men at Arms at Boromir and Aragorn to lead the battle.
Kenny and Spencer played the Minas Tirith. While James and Aidan played the Orcs of Mordor. Kenny used his archers on a hill to try to pick off the Orc Attackers. while Spencer sent his pikeman to hold the bridge with the heroes. Aidan and James decided to bull rush the bridge to take it.
What ensued was an epic battle that pushed back and forth across the bridge. Sometimes the Orcs winning sometimes the Men of Gondor winning.
But in the end, the Men of Gondor held the bridge and broke the orc ranks which went fleeing back to Mordor!
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