Victory at Sea "Denmark Straits"

 This was one of my favorite war games ever.  I played Victory at Sea with my Nephews.  This is also a sad report because my nephews moved to France and I do not know the next time I will play a war game with them.  I brought the Bismarck, Eugene, Wales and Hood with me to their house and told them we were going to play a great naval game.  I also said they had to make the table look like an ocean.  So they took all their blue/black paper and began to draw the waves, sharks, fish and sea monsters to create the ocean that the battle would take place on.  

After which the 3 boys picked their ships.  Judah, Elias and Max the youngest picked their ships and began to play the most epic Victory at Sea Game ever.

Max and Judah played the Germans.  Elias Played the British. Though Elias Drew first blood by sinking the Bismarck, it did not stop Max from taking his mighty ship to victory.  Never roll dice against a kid under 5.  They win every time.  Even with the Bismarck in flames Max won the Game in a slug fest.  The game lasted only an hour but the laughter will last a life time for me.  


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