"Blackpowder" Somewhere in Spain

Our next Napoleonic Game was a pickup Black Powder Game.  James and I played the British somewhere in Spain.  Aidan Played the French.  The British have the heights outside of the town.  While the French objective is to take the town and the heights in a frontal assault.  May the Best Players win.

The French plan of attack had 3 parts.  2 Infantry division were to press through the woods south of the town against a well defended ridge.  1 infantry division would attack the center hill while the Old Guard would attack the flank on the side of a fordable creek.  

The British Defense was simple.  2 Infantry Battalions would defend the wooded area with a smaller 95th rifle Detachment and a Scotts Grey Cavalry Battalion.  As you can see there are 4 battalions in reserve on top of the hill to plug the holes.  What you can also see is that Aidan's Center Attack column had fallen into a trap.  2 battalions of British and entire division to their front sprung a trap and would decimate Aidan's center leaving a huge hole in the line.  James had so rifled sharp shooters in the woods to delay the Guard but that left Aiden in a puzzle.  Press the attack with the Guard or try to reconnect his forces?

The Battle to the south was a slog and there was very little movement on both sides.  When a hole opened the reserves plugged it right away.  It was not until the center broke that the battalions that flanked the center attacked turned and flanked this wing.  Which slowly broke the French down and they began to run.

The Old Guard did not break but when Aidan tried to plug the hole in the center he took too many casualties.  Instead of sacrificing all of his elite troops he decided that retreating was the better part of valor.  The British won this Day.  God save the King!



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