Setting Up "Snappy Nappy" Waterloo

I know that a big part of Wargaming is the planning phase for how the scenario is going to work out.  Snappy Nappy is probably one of the most intensive games to scenario design but I loved every moment.  Here is a behind the scenes look at how I set up my Waterloo Snappy Nappy Scenario.

I first created a rough sketch of the 100 Days Campaign area.  I used Blunders on the Danube blog a lot for reference and created my own map and labeled each table with all the exit and entrance points that connect to the other tables.  I know my Map is not perfect but I wanted to create a scenario that would fit in the building space that I had available.  In our church Sanctuary.  I also hoped that the "Center" table with Quatre Bras would be the first engagement table considering Napoleon starts with most of his force on table D.  In our scenario that did not happen.  In fact if you read our Snappy nappy blog you will realize that most combat happened on tables A and F.  While the Prussians walked across all the other tables 'lost.'

After I created my map I had to make my tables look as best as possible.  I used houses from "Little Wars TV" Free Hannibal stuff and N Scale Trees with pins in them to stick into the puzzle pads underneath to create the forest of Southern Belgium.  This is Table D.  the French launching point.  In our game. Ryan split his forces between DI and DII to engage and pin James quickly while Jonathan as Napoleon took DIII and snake through the country side to get to Waterloo and Brussels. 

Now I did not have alot of nice looking rivers ready for the tables.  So I purposely kept the rivers to a minimum on our tables.  That was a design Choice I made based on my table Resources.  I thought this would be a choke point for Jonathan and Napoleon but he rushed so fast the British deployed on the table did not stand a chance.

Still It takes a lot of work to plan a scenario.  I do enjoy planning them and big events like this.  If you happen to be in the Bellefonte Area.  Get in touch.  Maybe you can join us for our next Big Game.



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