"To be Continued" by G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. rule Review

To Be Continued by G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. is a GASLIGHT game that is meant to recreate early movie and television moments on the table top.

My Reviews are going to be graded like classes in College; A,B,C,D,E.  At the end we will get a GPA which will determine if this game makes distinguished honor roll, honor roll, passes or fails.  A good game should at least pass with a C average. 

The categories I will be grading are 1) Presentation/Product/Package, 2) Game Rules/Mechanics, 3) Historical/fantasy Cannon Accuracy, 4) Cost/time, 5) Good Time and Memories

1). Presentation/product/package.  To Be Continued is a 20 year old rulebook only.  It does not come with miniatures or supplemental material.  It is also hard to find a copy of the rulebook today


2). Game Rules/Mechanics.  Each Character you control has a stat line and uniquely created to help you role play your favorite tv shows.  I love this customizability.  You can accurately recreate Zorro, Sherlock Holmes, the Crimson Pirate or so many characters on the table.  The Rules are super simple to which allow people to learn the game easily.


3). Fantasy Cannon.  This is a generic rule set.  To make the game accurate to recreate the feel you want is all dependent upon you...It is possible to make it accurate but the rules don't do that you do.


4).  Cost/time.  The games resolve within 2 hours which is a great game time.  Cost, you don't need a lot of figures but you will need set pieces for your table to give the feel you want.  That will cost a little bit of money.


5).  Good times...  My brother and I still talk about the Zorro game we played.  End Statement 


GPA is 2.80.  Not a bad game.  Give it a try


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