Bolt Action "Encounter"


This is the Second Game of Bolt Action that we have played at Living Hope.  So we are still getting used to it.  but it turned out to be a great game.  Aidan Played as the German Afrika Corps.  He had 3 rifle squads, a mortar squad and a HQ squad with a Panzer IV for back up.

Kenny Played as the Americans.  He had 3 rifled Squads, A Bazooka Team, HQ Team and a M4 Sherman for support.

The Game we played had each player start with only  units on the table.  Each turn they were allowed to add one more team for reinforcements as the game went on.  Kenny Deployed the Sherman on the Road with a rifle squad to support on the left and right.  Aidan deployed his HQ Team, Panzer IV and 1 rifle squad to start the game.

Turn 1 saw Aidan rush for the houses in the small town while Kenny was rushing toward the Hedge Row across the road.  The Panzer IV and Sherman ended up facing off with each other on Turn 1.  The Panzer IV disabled the Sherman so it could not move the rest of the game.

Turn 2 is when the serious combat began.  The first units began to occupy their positions.  Kenny's 1st Squad occupied a house on his left flank, while is 2nd squad landed in the hedge row.  Kenny's 1st reinforcements was the Bazooka Team.  Aidan Choose the Mortar Team as his reinforcements.  Aidan's Panzer IV held the Hill to his flank pinning the Sherman in an Exchange of fire.  His Rifle Squad took the center building on the main road while his HQ team found a building on the flank.

For the rest of the game, this hedgerow was the center of Aidan's Fury.  Kenny's Second Squad was slowly whittled away each turn to almost complete annihilation.  However, Aidan missed what was happening on his flanks.  Turn 6 saw the Panzer IV destroyed.  Also, Kenny's Reinforcement on Turn 5 and 6 bought support for his beleaguered squad in the Center of the combat.  Slowly.  Kenny Used the Sherman to destroy one of the German Rifle Squads on Aidan's Flank by Turn 9.  Kenny then occupied a flanking position forcing the Mortars to retreat on turn 10.  By Turn 12 it was clear when Aidan's officer was killed that the Americans had won this slow but bloody affair.


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