They've taken the Hobbits to Ireland" MESBG


Our Game this past week was a trip in Middle Earth.  It is a simple capture the objectives game with 3 objectives.  Have 2 out of 3 to win the game.  Each side had a small 400 point army.  Kenny and Ryan were the 'evil' side.  Kenny's hero was the Witch King of Angmar while Ryan Had a Troll Chieftain as his hero.  Aidan and James led the forces of good with Aidan's hero being Aragorn and James Boromir of Gondor.  This was an epic well balanced game that went to the final die roll of the game.

The Beginning deployment initially favored the 'evil' side.  Even though James and Aidan won the deployment rolls James decided to split their 2 heroes up in an attempt to take all three objectives.  There is a river between the 2 heroes now.  Kenny rolled a 1 and did not deploy turn 1.  It was Ryan facing James alone on his side of the river.  However evil won priority turn 2 and Kenny Deployed the witch king in ambush behind James trapping him between 2 forces.  James position on shamrock hill looked bleak indeed.  He will have to fight for his life outnumbered 2 to 1 unless Aidan comes to his aide.

Aidan does not hesitate.  By turn 3 he is rushing the bridge and the tides of battle have balanced.  Ryan split his force in half to try to bottle Aidan at the Bridge.  This might have seemed prudent at the time however.  You will notice Aidan's forces control 2/3 objectives. The Bridge and the second hill.  One can only wonder if Ryan committed to destroying James completely and unified with Kenny to take the bridge back what would have happened?  We will never know.  The die has been cast.

The Witch King and Boromir Dueled for half of the game.  It looked as if Boromir might kill the this servant of Sauron but he forgot the prophecy that "no man can kill the Witch King."  And Boromir was slain by The Witch King on Shamrock Hill.  Sean Bean cannot catch a break.  Shamrock Hill is lost.

Thought Shamrock hill's fight was intense. That is not were the battle was won.  In fact, Ryan's Troll Chieftain racked up 4 knights of Gondor on his kill sheet but the mighty Aragorn son of Arathorn Brought down his might foe in true heroic fashion.  This kill Saved the Bridge and saved the day.  Aragorn Kept the bridge and the far side hill.  It was a close battle with few survivors but the forces of good won out.  Join us in person if you want to be apart of the next adventure.  


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