Ticket to Ride

 Ticket to Ride is a board game published by Games of Wonder.  It is a railroad building game that allows the players to build railroads between great cities across countries and continents.

My Reviews are going to be graded like classes in College; A,B,C,D,E.  At the end we will get a GPA which will determine if this game makes distinguished honor roll, honor roll, passes or fails.  A good game should at least pass with a C average. 

The categories I will be grading are 1) Presentation/Product/Package, 2) Game Rules/Mechanics, 3) Historical/fantasy Cannon Accuracy, 4) Cost/time, 5) Good Time and Memories

1) Product/Package.  Ticket to Ride is a great product with many many many expansion packs.  You can play the United States, Europe, Pennsylvania, India and so many other places.  The cards are great and the rules easy to read and understand.


2)Rules.  It is a card driven game.  Pick up some colored railroad cards and match them to the corresponding line on the board.  Very Simple and tends to force the players to take some gambles to win.


3) Historical Accuracy.  For a simple board game, they capture the golden age of rail very well.  Their boards are historically and linguistically accurate for the language and culture of the countries.  For how simple the game is it does give you a great feeling at living during the turn of the 20th century on the railings.  


4). Cost/time.  A game takes 45 minutes which is great.  You need to buy one of the base board games, Us or Europe for $40.  Which is a great starting price.  But if you want to play the expansions they can add up but still it's a great game to get involved with.


5) Good Times. Never have a bad game and some games are rememberable.  One time I blocked every on on the U.S. map and the winner only had 9 points while everyone else was negative.  Ask my wife.  It almost caused a broken engagement lol.


And the final GPA is 3.82.  Probably one of the best games available today.


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