Black Powder "France Invades PA!?!"


The French decided to send troops to aid their American Allies in the 1812 war.  To counter the 3 French divisions sent to the Americas, Britain and Prussia sent an ally Expeditionary source to counter the bold move.  These forces clash somewhere in PA.

There are 3 French Division.  Spencer is the Commander of the 1st Division, I command the 2nd Division and Kenny Commands the elite 3rd Division

There are 2 Prussian Divisions, the 1st Prussian Division is commanded by James, the 2nd commanded by Donavon and Aidan Commands the elite British forces.

Deployment was random for our battle.  Turn 1 saw Aidans British Division and Donavon's Prussian deploy on the table with Jame held in reserve.  Aidan deployed behind the large hill dominating the battlefield while Donavon deployed into the hear of the town.  
The French deployment had Spencer Deploy in the corner behind the second large hill and Kenny Deploy by the wheat filed objective.  I was held in reserve.

Turn 1 saw Aidan approach the large hill and Donavans troops sluggish enter the town.  Kenny moved into the farmers fields and lined up in the woods while Spencer Began to occupy his hill

Turn 2 James deployed on Spencers flank in an ambush while I was still in Reserve.  James drew first blood with his ambush while Aidan and Donovan failed their orders.  However, Spencer turned into the ambush and charged in his attack columns.  Smashing James 2nd Brigade putting fear into the allied players.

Turn 3 finally I am deploying near the town to take on Donavon in the town.  My troops move with determination towards the bridge.  Spencer and James Trade blows with James spilling more French blood in withering fire but Spencer was bringing his full weight of his healthy division on the diminished Prussians.  Aidan and Kenny are quiet in the center with little happening.

Turn 5, Donavon tries to hold the bridge but my Cavalry smash his command and send his troops running leaving a hole in his center while his militia units sputter in the mud along the river.  To my north the center is still quiet while James looses an entire brigade in a blunder leaving just 1 brigade between him and complete collapse on the Allied Right flank.

The last turn, turn 6 saw Spencer charge into James remaining troops, James withstands the onslaught and his army remains on the table...Barely.  Kenny finally charges the center hill Destroying 1/3 of Aidan's British Division but the charge is halted and the hill is contested.  In the south, My Cavalry charges the Graveyard shattering one Battalion but Donavon's Last Battalion blunts the charge preventing me from taking the objective.

In the End the French win 15 to -5!  Vive La France!!!!


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