High Seas and High Stakes, "Victory at Sea"
It's been a while but we are back with another adventure. Back somewhere in the Atlantic, The British are clashing with the German Kriegsmarine. The British Have 3 battleships, the King George V, Prince of Wales and the good ole Hood. With 2 cruisers and destroyers for escorts. The Germans have the Bismarck and her escort Prinze Eugen along with the twin pocket battleships.
The battle begins slowly with the British failing to deploy smoke and it hilariously blowing in the wrong direction. The Germans methodically decided to take out the destroyers before they entered into torpedo range.
Meanwhile after the smoke cleared. 3 German ships concentrated their fire on the Prince of Wales with the first round of shells setting her ablaze and the second round completely destroying her. But the British were determined to strike back at the Germans.
Kenny, the main British Player rolled this impossible roll. Look at those six's!!!!! He sank the Bismarck in a devastating series of volleys but she took quite a lot. When the game ended, The British lost 3 ships and the Germans lost 1. Points total was a 30 points difference. Barely a German Victory. Join us next time!
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