Altar of Freedom "Seven Pines"

This week we played the battle of Seven Pines which historically led to Robert E. Lee taking over the Army of Northern Virginia.  Using the rules Altar of Freedom, we replay this little known battle to see if the Rebels can do any better.  James will play as those darn Rebs while Kenny and I play as the Union heroes of Freedom.  We adjusted the scenario that victory depended on the bridges crossing the river to the peninsula, not army breakpoints.

Kenny and I played a defensive game hoping to hold out for all 10 turns in our initial defensive line with fortifications based in the woods.  We used artillery to screen the roads to try and stop quick advances.  The first 6 turns were relatively lacking in activity.  James did some probing attacks with Longstreet's corp but did not commit to a major attack.  He tried to outflank the union on the union right but discovered it wasted much of his time. and night time fell on the battlefield with the union looking good.  But the final 4 turns were much bloodier than the first day.

James was finally able to coordinate all of his forces under Johnston and pressed the entire line so we could not reenforce.  Anderson Division continually assaulted the fortifications by the rail road.  Even a few turns he drove back the union defenders but Kenny's men held on and retook the trench line keeping Longstreet at bay.

However the battle for the river James almost won!

James used his new troops to attack a hastily prepared defense in the south.  And the last turn of the game he almost broke through but because of good resource management, I was able to plug the open road to the river.  The last turn last effort of the game the union saved the day barely.  James did a great job.  One more turn and he would have won.  Join us next time.



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