Battle of Issus "Triumph!"

Our 3rd Battle at Historicon was the Battle of Issus.  We were on the Persian side which if you know history means.  Oh no we might be in trouble.  I commanded the Right flank cav anchored along the sea and Jonathan commanded the left flank cav and skirmishers.  He was up against the mighty Alexander himself.  So this was going to be a very difficult battle.  My strategy was let the Greeks come to me and and I would strike them in the river and try to hold them while they are getting their feet wet.  Jonathan was his customary.  No holds barred charge into the teeth of the lion

So when my opponent tried his first river crossing I dispatched a squadron of Cav to hold them up.  At first it worked but eventually He crossed the river with heavy Greek Infantry.  On Jonathan's end, he almost killed Alexander the Great with skirmishers.  Just 1 pip short of changing the entire history of the world.  Oh no!  the Heavens.  However, one thing was clear.  Greece was paying a higher price today.  In the center Darius did not flee but held his ground against a great phalanx commander who was able to cross the river with some order.

The Greek Heavy Infantry pushed through and established a foothold.  I took out some of them but lost some of my Cav too.  However, Jonathan was shattered on the left but Fought bitterly each turn holding and disrupting Alexanders companions.  In fact he shattered Alexander as well.  Brilliant!  The grind in the center kept going.  It was an even exchange.  The battle then hinged on me on the right.  Could my outclassed Cav last or break.

But the fate of the dice were not kind.  The Greek Cav charged my position and shattered my division.  It is what claimed the victory for Greece but it cost them dearly and Darius stood his ground.  It was an excellent game!



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