Historicon 2024


Historicon 2024 was a blast for me this year.  There were so many beautiful games and I could not play them all...  The horror.  Last year I only got to play 3 games but this year I got to play 5!!!  And all of these games are far superior to the games I played last year.  I found some rulesets I want to play.  Triumph!, To the Strongest, Fire in the Sky and Altar of Empires are all on my future play lists (my wallet will be very sad thanks historicon).   Because of how registration worked and the schedule I actually got to play games with Marks Game Room and Little Wars TV.  These Games far exceeded my expectations.  Carl from Mark's Game Room is a fantastic GM and his Battle of Britain campaign was brilliant.  Thank you for allowing me to play.  But by far my biggest thank you goes out to Miles of Little War TV for inviting me to join his Russo-Japanese war-game campaign.  It was my favorite game of the weekend by far.  The Rules were amazing, being an artillery man myself I love what he did there.  If you ever get a chance to play one of their games.  Do it!  

There were many tables that I wish I could have played from the Alamo, D-Day, Burnsides Bridge or the massive Pickett's Charge Game.  Wow it was huge.  

I got to play test a new Napoleonic war game system too this year and that was a wonderful experience.  There were some new mechanics that I really liked.  The rules have some time before they are published but I am grateful for the opportunity to have input into the game before it is refined and polished.  It is also the first hex based game I have ever played. Very simple and easy for beginners I believe.

There were so many types of games and shops as well.  I was able to get a few things of my wishlist.  Like some new rulesets and terrain pieces for Dead Man's Hand.  (More Future Games coming for our group in the Wild West).  This was a great week.  Cannot wait to return to another Historicon!


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